Newsletter August 2019
Commodore's Logbook August 2019 Welcome to August, and whilst the sidereal days will progressively become longer, I suspect that we'll be keeping the fire burning in the Club for a while yet. It's just over a week until your Annual General Meeting (AGM), and I would like to take the opportunity to build on the distributed information pack and several months' worth of communiques in the monthly Newsletters on the subject of Succession Planning. I would also like to take the opportunity to request your support for the Club through your attendance at the AGM. I refer to the AGM as your AGM deliberately. We are the Members, and so I feel that we need to own and shape our Club. And so, I'll take this opportunity to inform you regarding the possible future shape of your Club Leadership. This is what the Leadership could look like, due to our Succession Planning efforts. I deliberately say 'could', as ultimately, you, the Members decide who will lead your Club. Appointments are the product of volunteered effort, subsequent nomination, and importantly, your endorsement. I have provided the following table for your situational awareness as Members. So, please give this subject some thought and perhaps consider where you could add value in the leadership and management workings of our Club. Club Leadership Current and Possible Future State
Okay well, this coming Wednesday, we're continuing with the Marine Navigation Course, and ideally the 'Classroom' will be located down the eastern end of the Club near the wood burner. So, if I don't see you at 1900 Wednesday 07 August; I do look forward to your company in the Club, on the water and at our forthcoming AGM. By the way, our 30 TH Anniversary celebrations are shaping up to be a top show. Heads Up: Fri 27, Sat 28 and Sun 29 September 2019 I wish you fair winds and following seas. Best regards, John Butcher. Commodore, GHYC |
Sailing News Hibiscus Marine Coatings / Engine Room: Winter Series Races 5 and 6 Race 5 was the perfect day for launches and fishing, not sailing. However, 17 boats and their respective crews were happy to bask in the winter sunshine, nimbly drift around the course and deftly deal with each wind shift as it came. And there were many, so plenty of patience was needed. A big shout out to Wharanaki IV and Stark Raven for their tenacity, lasting until the lure of fishing got the better of them! Thanks to Ian Clouston (RO), John Bruce and Peter Cooke on Olympus and Ted and Sarah on Chase. Results - Gold Division: 1st: C McGuire 2nd: Southern Rebel 3rd: Affinity Results - White Division 1st: Sniper 2nd: Glory Days 3rd: Azure
Some extras were hoisted from the top mark with occasionally stronger puffs causing excitement. Mean Streak & First Priority had some dramas at the bottom mark coming out of it relatively unscathed with the two Farr 1020's; Share Delight & Azure, in prime position to see the action before rounding in an orderly fashion. Meanwhile Big Kahoona was making strides on the fleet way out in front with Sniper & Kick having a good battle throughout their race. Gold fleet had Southern Rebel leading the pack as the fleets converged on the final upwind leg. Result Gold Fleet 1 st: C McGuire 2nd: Flasher 3rd: Southern Rebel Results White Fleet 1st: Big Kahoona 2 nd: First Priority 3rd: Memphis On Sunday11 Aug, GHYC are running Race 7 of the Winter Series, with local Sam Kynman-Cole from topVIEW Photography ( on board Olympus to capture some aerial photography of our racing using a drone. Everyone is welcome to join us in the Clubhouse after the race to view the drone images, enjoy a beverage from the Bar and nibble on a hot sausage. The images will be available to view post-race, hopefully on the Club TV, definitely through the topVIEW Photography Facebook page. Low resolution images suitable for social media sharing will be available to download and share for no charge and edited high resolution images suitable for printing will be available to purchase. A single image will be $39 and discounts apply for packages (eg 5 images for $100). There will be a selection of individual boat and fleet images available and these can be ordered directly through the topVIEW Facebook page. If you are interested in purchasing images, please email your boat name and sail number to Ant Carter by 7 August so Sam knows to focus on your boat. YOU Travel Winter Cruising Series Races 3 & 4 Unfortunately somewhat extreme weather conditions on 3 August resulted in Race 3 being cancelled. The last race of the series is on Saturday 31 August. These are 'friendly cruising races' with no spinnakers or extras to be concerned about. Boats start off the marina entrance over a set course and there is a BYO BBQ back at the GHYC from 4.00pm. The Bar is open for the normal refreshments. This series provides an excellent opportunity to use our boats over winter and enjoy the camaraderie back at the club. We have 9 boats so far and it would be great to see some more boats on the water for the last race. Individual race entries can be accepted up till 0900 hrs on Saturday but to help with the admin of the Club Handicapper entries by Friday would be appreciated. Full details for Entries and Sailing Instructions are on our new website under Cruising YOU Travel Series Prizegiving is planned for the BYO BBQ after Race 4 unless weather dictates otherwise, in which case it will be held at an alternative Friday Club evening
Mike Lanigan Chair - Sailing Committee |
GHYC Quiz Number 3 Part 1 Questions 1...What is a relative bearing? 2...When should a relative bearing of another vessel be taken? 3...Name three occasions when a sailing vessel has to keep clear of a power driven vessel? 4...A power driven vessel has to put his engine astern to allow a yacht under sail to pass ahead. What sound signal should be given by the power driven vessel? 5...You are proceeding up a narrow channel when a power driven vessel coming up from astern sounds 2 long blasts followed by 2 short blasts. What does this signal mean? 6...A power driven vessel (A) has another power driven vessel (B) crossing on its port bow. The relative bearing of (B) from (A) changes +/- 5° and it remains on its course and speed. Is there a risk of collision? If (B) continues on its present course, what initial sound signal may be given by (A)? What alteration of course should (A) NOT make if (B) continues on its current course? 7...What sound signal should a vessel under sail make when in restricted visibility? 8...A vessel under sail in restricted visibility detects by radar a vessel forward of her beam on a constant bearing and closing. The sailing vessel decides to alter course to starboard. What sound signal should the sailing vessel make? 9...What is a transit bearing? 10...What has to be applied to a compass bearing,and in what order, to make it a true bearing or course? 11...If the Variation is 20°E and the compass deviation 3°W, what is the total compass error? Using this error, what would be the compass course if the true course was 063° true. 12...Where is Variation taken from? 13...Where is Deviation taken from? 14...Draw the chart symbol that indicates a Flood Tide. 15...What information can be obtained from a Tidal Diamond? 16...What does the information for a Tidal Diamond depend on? 17...How many minutes in a degree of Latitude? 18...How many metres are there in a nautical mile? 19...How many metres are there in 1 cable? 20...How many nautical miles are there in 1° of latitude? |
You may have a gassy problem! (fix it before the insurance company finds out) Mike Pignéguy We were just gasping for a cuppa, so Dee filled the kettle, put it on the stove and lit the gas. The only problem was that the gas ring wouldn't stay lit. It's happened before on occasions and was easily fixed by prodding a thin piece of wire down into the gas jets to clear away any obstructions. Nah, this time it wasn't interested. Well, maybe the gas bottle is empty. So I check that out and find that it's still got some weight in it. The regulator doesn't look too flash, but it's OK. I get Dee to switch the solenoid on the main board on and off. Aha, sometimes it clicks and sometimes it doesn't, so herein lies the problem! The system needs the solenoid open, but it's not obeying the rules of an electromagnet when the power is switched on. No problem; I remove the solenoid from the gas line so there is now a direct route for the gas from the bottle and regulator to the gas stove, and minutes later, presto, we are drinking our tea. Note to self to buy a new solenoid when we return to the marina, and, as the regulator was looking a bit tired, that went on the list as well. It was easy enough to buy a new solenoid from Mr.Burnsco, but getting a suitable regulator is another story. After some searching I was directed to a certified gas fitter who specialised in marine fittings. I told him what I was after and he said he would come down to the boat to check things out. It was one of those 'Do you want the good news or the bad news' check-it-outs! Turns out that the gas line and fittings were non-compliant with NZ AS/NZS 5601.2:2013, even though Zuben had been in survey for 11 years since new in 2005, and, although she was now 14 yrs old, no fittings had been changed. Seeing as insurance companies will not insure a vessel if it does not have a gas compliance certificate and coded number, I was listening very carefully. Zuben was certainly compliant under the pre-2013 regulations, except there were some gray areas there when LPG bottles were less than 18kg capacity. The pre-2013 regulations (NZS 5428:2006) on Zuben ,had been adhered to with having a regulator, an in-line solenoid controlled from the main switch panel, and then correct rubber hose (part of the gray area) and fittings from the bottle to the stove. Then on July 1 2013 the new regulations NZAS/NZS 5601.2:2103 came into effect, and these required the main line from the gas bottle to be a sheathed copper tube with an extra shut-off valve, plus 2 alarms. So to become compliant now, I was faced with an all-up cost of just over $2,500. It was an expensive cup of tea! I'm told by Mike Ashby of AshbyGas, there are many boat owners, both private and commercial, who find themselves in the position of having to put new gas lines and fittings in because surveyors have not picked up that their old stuff has not been compliant since 2013. Gas fittings pre-2013 fitted on your boat should have been completed by a certified gas fitter and who should have used copper piping (unsheathed), and at least a gas detector or solenoid valve, just not both. If your boat is one of these then you should be concerned, as having something as important as gas fittings on board that are non-compliant will surely bring a smile to the face of your insurer if your boat is involved in an accident. If you want to check out exactly what the rules say regarding gas fittings in caravans and boats you'll have to buy a pdf for $189 about AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 Sections 3 to 9 from Standards NZ. It would be cheaper to ask a certified gas fitter who specialises in marine fittings. It seems that after the regulations changed in 2013 it became unnecessary to have a drain in your LPG locker, but it did become necessary to install a solenoid valve in your gas line and have two gas detectors fitted, one close to the stove and one , because gas is heavier than air, at the lowest position in the bilge. I am currently managing a 19.5m launch that falls into this category. It's one of those builds where all electrics, pipes etc are installed prior to the accommodation shell being fitted and thus locking everything out of sight and extremely hard to replace if necessary. It means having to rip out some really nice panelling in order to replace the gas line. We are probably looking at a $6000 job. However, it's only the hob that is gas, with the oven being electric, and so buying and installing an electric hob is going to be far cheaper and get away from the hassle of gas. Luckily the 12 kVa genset can handle the load. Now for that cuppa! |
Social Scene News Mid July and French National Day was celebrated with a delicious French themed buffet. Members got in the spirit of the evening with berets aplenty, but thankfully no onions! A 'Lucky Tile' fundraiser was won by Diana Bassett . |
An evening of fun and frustrations with the ' wine box challenge', at the end of July, found seven teams battling it out, Team Rosé coming out eventual winners. Thanks to all the participants for 'giving it a go' and also for support of our Youth Sailing Sponsorship Fund. |
Wednesday 14 August is the AGM not a 'social' evening but nevertheless an important diary date Friday 23 August will be a Pub Games Evening with comfort pub food ideal for the depths of winter. An evening where teams will divide to conquer, moving around the activities, taking on players from other teams and accumulating points. Watch out for more information coming soon. Photo Competition Whangaparaoa Landscape. There is less than a month left to get the perfect photograph. Entries, minimum postcard size, can be submitted to the office from 8th August ($2 per entry) with judging on 23rd August at the Pub Games evening. Remember to put your name and a title for the photograph on the back of the picture. Glen Miller Orchestra possible outing Sunday 8 September at 2pm in the ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre. Tickets from $79 - $130. More information: If anyone is interested please email and if there is enough interest we will try and find a volunteer to take on the arrangements. |
GHYC Quiz Number 3 Part 1 Answers 1A bearing that is relative to your vessel's heading 2At any time it is required to know the other vessel's apparent course when compared to our own. i.e. if the bearing is unchanging it could be on a collision course, especially if the distance is decreasing. 3 When overtaking ; within harbour limits and the power driven vessel is >500GRT ;within a Traffic Separation Zone. {Rules 22.9 (4);22.13 (1); 22.18 (4(missing upload )a);22.10(12); 91.16(1)} 43 short blasts {Rule 22.34 (1(missing upload )c)} 5It is requesting permission to overtake on your port side {Rule 22.34 (3(missing upload )a)} 6High risk of collision exists. 5 short and rapid blasts. Should NOT turn to port.(Rules 22.34 (4), 22.17) 71 long and 2 short blasts at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.(Rule 22.35 {b}) 8Continue sounding 1 long and 2 short blasts at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes (Rule 22.35{b}) 9When 2 objects are in line with each other. 10Compass bearing +/- deviation=magnetic +/- variation= True bearing. CDVT 11 Variation 20°E - Deviation 3°W= 17°E total compass error. 63°True-17°E=046°Compass 12From a chart's Compass Rose closest to the vessel's position. 13The vessel's Deviation Card 14Flood tide arrow with rate 15The current direction and rate at the position of the Tidal Diamond 16The time of High Water at the named Standard Port and the time before or after that time 1760' (minutes) 181852m = 1 nautical mile 19185.2m (1 cable = 1/10 th of a nautical mile) 2060 nm in 1°of latitude |
Answer to MYSTERY ANCHORAGES: Still Bay at SE end of Motuora Island |
Last updated 11:24 on 16 December 2024