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Home / Newsletters / Newsletter July 2020

Newsletter July 2020

GYHC Commodore's Logbook July 2020

The shortest day is done, and yet there is definitely a nip in the air to suggest winter has arrived. However, all that really means is digging out the thermals and woolly hats to ensure comfort during the winter sailing season that's in full swing now; whether cruising, racing or just hanging out in the Club. And with two key events coming up in the calendar, I encourage you all to book ahead early for the annual prize giving dinner, scheduled for 18 July when we celebrate all those who have participated over the last year, with a special mention for those sailors who gained a place here and there.

I encourage you to start thinking about what contributory role you'd like to play in the Club next year which commences at our AGM scheduled for 12 August. One position we're keen to fill on the Executive is the position of Club Secretary. John Bruce, after four years of very dedicated and professional service is retiring from Secretariat duties; thank you John Bruce, for your sterling efforts as Club Secretary.

We'd appreciate hearing from anyone who would like to step up and assist with actively managing the Club's affairs.

In the meantime, we're getting Enigma1 ready for the Two-Handed SSANZ Triple Series that starts Saturday 04 July. Island Time, Glory Days, Shine On and Odyssey V are also being prepared for the SSANZ Triple Series, so we have at least five GHYC yachts in this exciting event. First Priority (WBC) and Southern Fun (WBC) will also be sailing in the Triple Series.

Sarah and I look forward to seeing you in the Club at the ever popular Quiz Night.

I wish you fair winds and following seas and do look after your health.

Best regards.

John Butcher Commodore GHYC

Sailing Committee News

The You Travel Winter Cruising fleet took to the waters for Race 2, sailing in a steady easterly with flat seas , the ten-strong fleet enjoyed another great day on the water. Back at the Clubhouse there was a BYO BBQ and the usual jovial banter prevailed. Results: Planet X took Line Honours with Nureme (pictured) winner on Handicap.

The Hibiscus Marine Coatings Winter Series is one of the most popular in our sailing calendar, with more than 20 boats from GHYC & WBC signed up for the 9 race series. The two Clubs alternate the running of the races and the boats sail in two divisions which are hotly contested. Both Club boats are used during winter racing, and a big THANK YOU goes to Miles for maintaining the boats, AES for their sponsorship, and the fantastic race officials who crew these boats. Pictured Sarah & Ted preparing to go mark laying.

A write up and the results of each race are posted on the Club website and Facebook page as soon as possible after each race. After two races the leaders in each fleet are:

White Division Glory Days (GHYC) and Gold/Yellow Division Blazin White (WBC)

Looking for crew?? We have more new and prospective members looking for crewing positions. Some are experienced crew while others have some sailing but no racing experience. If there are skippers out there who can offer a place to one of these keen new crew, please email .

Mystery Anchorage.............answer at bottom of page

News from the Social Committee

Wow, what a great response from our members to reopening the Club.

June QUIZ NIGHT A great night with 80+ quizzers puzzling over dingbats, picture logos and general knowledge questions. Our quizmaster Howard was under fire for some obscure questions and contested answers but everyone had a fun evening. Insider knowledge was denied by Judy, our Office Manager, as her team were declared overall winners

Photo Competition - AUTUMN

Voted on by the quizzers, Beryl's 'Magic Mushroom' was voted the winner with 'Seeds of the Mighty Oak' by Jen coming second. The theme for the next three months is 'ANIMALS'

Friday 26 June - MATARIKI DINNER

Silvery stars sparkled all around the Club as members celebrated Matariki. Coming in from the heavy rain everyone was welcomed by the warmth from the woodburner, and the Club was fully booked for the truly sumptuous roast dinner buffet. Another great effort by Jen with the decorations and Sue's team in the kitchen.

Coming Events

Friday 10 July QUIZ NIGHT

This promises to be another fun night with a delicious buffet followed by another of Howard's famous quizzes. Please book and pay online by Wednesday 8 July.


Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating another great summer of sailing achievements. The evening includes trophy & prize presentations, a fantastic buffet meal, spot prizes, a youth sailing fundraiser and the participation draw. Gather your crew together and book online now to show your support for the Club and our fantastic sponsors whose generous contributions are greatly appreciated.

The Social Committee has lots more events planned including a Pub Games night, wine box challenge (a team challenge evening), outside speaker presentations, wine tasting and more, and that is just in the next couple of months. This Winter prepare to enjoy good times locally and forget about cancelled overseas travel.

House News

Without doubt the Club's biggest asset is its members, followed by the Clubhouse. Although somewhat younger than most members, at almost 30 years old the building now needs a little love. Recently there have been a number of repairs or replacements required, such as the bar chiller unit, the main water pump and a number of minor calls-outs for leaking toilets and electrical works.

We are always looking for ways to reduce our running costs and expenses. As a club run almost exclusively by volunteer members, if you have skills in building, plumbing, engineering, electrical work, painting, carpentry, roofing or any other talent that might one day be useful, we would love to hear from you. In addition the Club is looking for assistance with communications, technology, accounting, marketing, fund raising, strategic planning and public relations so please contact us to offer your services, email

Arid Island by Michael Pignéguy

If you are out on the west coast of the Barrier and it looks like it's going to be blowing from the westerly quarter for a few days, instead of sitting in Port FitzRoy for the duration, get your anchor up and head around to the Barrier's east coast. Just 11.5 miles north of FitzRoy you'll find the distinctive rocks of Needles Point and , after clearing the 2.5m (at CD) rock that lies 150m to the north east, it's right hand down for the 7 mile run to Arid Island Cove.

Mind you, you could be tempted by some great sheltered anchorages on the way like Rangiwhakaea Bay, or getting tucked in at the northern end of the lovely Whangapoua Beach off Tapuwai Point, just off the graveyard of the victims of the 'Wairarapa 'after she slammed into Miners Head on a dark and stormy night on October 29, 1894.

Arid Cove, looking north to Aiguilles Island

Dee taking a swim in in Arid Cove looking south

Stunning 'columnar column' cave in Aquarium Bay

Explore the Caves

From Arid Cove, it's a 'must' to take a dinghy trip around to Aquarium Bay, which is the first bay to the south. An interesting shortcut can be taken through the tunnel that is on the western side of the entrance to the cove (Moturoa Pt.), and once into Aquarium Bay, there are a host of caves to explore along its eastern side. By far the most interesting one though is also the largest, and it has some wonderful examples of columnar jointing columns. These smooth faced hexagonal columns almost look man-made, but they are created by cooling lava, in this case, mostly of basalt. The cave entrance is about 10m wide and goes into the hillside for about 50m.

Erosion and the rising sea have created some wonderful caves to explore, but to venture deep into them, especially if there is a swell running, it certainly pays to have a highly manoeuvrable dinghy with an outboard where throttle and gears are easily reached, ideally one with them both in the tiller.

* * * * * * * * * * * AGM AUGUST 12TH * * * * * * * * * * *

Mystery Anchorage answer...................
Whangamumu Harbour, just south of Cape Brett.

Last updated 13:56 on 18 June 2024

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