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Home / Newsletters / Newsletter November 2022
Home / Newsletters / Newsletter November 2022

Newsletter November 2022


As we start to get serious about this summer season, I'm pleased to announce that the weather guru's are predicting a long and hot summer with favourable winds, in short, a sailors dream!

By now most of your yachts and launches will have had their spring spruce up and annual maintenance carried out, the yards are all full and fully booked to Christmas. Things are humming.

Our club has many and varied racing and social activities arranged so let's get out there any enjoy all that our lovely area has to offer. This Friday we have the annual Music Night at the club from 18.00, always an interesting and fun night so get your tickets online from our website.

Sunday is the first race of our Barfoot and Thompson 2 handed series, always a fun and well contested series, so see you on the start line.

A big thank you and shout out to our sailing committee as they dive head long into another summer, our racing and cruising calendar is loaded with opportunities for you to show off both your sailing and social skills, once again, lets get out there and enjoy it.

If anyone is interested to join in a leisurely cruise up to the Bay of Islands somewhere just after Christmas, Marnie and I are planning a relaxed trip north and look forward to meeting more of you if that fits your plans?

In the meantime, lets find some crew, brush up on the rules and let's get out there and "just do it !"

Remember that our website has all the information you need for a good time on the water.


Phil Shaw

Commodore GHYC

Managing Director

Shaws Berry Farm Ltd

Sailing Committee Corner

Three Series so far have got off to a great start The Gulf Harbour Marina Twilight, the Taylor & Co Ladies Twilight and the Burnsco Summer Cruising have all had very good first races, each in different winds - but all good. Two further series start in November:-

The popular four race Barfoot & Thompson Two Handed Inter club Series starts on Sunday 6th November -so please get your entry in before close off at 1600 on Thursday 3rd. Note: Single handed entries are also most welcome.

The AA Solar Gulf Series has its first race on Saturday 19th November. The Gulf Series, similar to the two handed, has courses (weather permitting) that are around the Hauraki Gulf - the longer legs mean fewer tacks than 'round the cans' events, plus there is the interest and enjoyment of sailing different courses. Well worth considering if you like a competitive summer's day out.

Great sailing.

Sailing Committee

Snippets from the Rear Commodore


Springtime sunshine and we have started to give the club and surrounds a good Spring-Clean ready for a busy summer season. Huge thanks go to Greg Bassett who spent almost two full days cleaning the main entrance steps, ramp & deck. Gaylene Bethell did an amazing job of cleaning some of the most inaccessible inside windows and frames whilst Jude & John Ellegard with Pauline Jarvis cleaned and serviced the outside roll-down plastics. A couple need some serious repair but they sure make the deck cosy when all pulled down

As a club run almost entirely by members, some other outside tasks have already been allocated to volunteers who can do them at any time that suits, whilst we still have a few more tasks to be completed, inside & out. If you have plumbing, building, woodworking or other skills or are happy to turn your hand to a bit of cleaning, please do let me know - Diane ( 021 230 5745. Coffee & bikkies for volunteers


In October we co-sponsored another youth sailor for a 10-day Development Voyage on Spirit of NZ. Natalie admitted to being rather shy before her trip but has come back brimming with confidence and looking forward to heading off to Uni next year. We received a lovely Thank You card which reads:

Dear Gulf Harbour Yacht Club, Thank you so so much for sponsoring my Spirit of Adventure voyage! I am beyond excited to be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity and cannot thank you enough. Natalie


Membership of GHYC, a Yachting New Zealand affiliated club, means that once a year in May we are obliged to send Yachting New Zealand a list of our members and pay subs for every member. Many of you may not be aware that this means members are eligible for an online YNZ member card and a great range of associated discounts, not all boating related. You should have received a direct email from YNZ. If not then please email and let us know. For more information go to:

REPURPOSE, REUSE, RECYCLE: a reminder that we are collecting old mobile phones to support the work of Sustainable Coastlines. Also aluminium wine bottle tops that Orewa Lions Club recycle to support Kidney Kids NZ. They accept old car/boat batteries too to help Child Mobility Foundation, contact Laurie Rands 09 426 3122 / 021 893 239 to arrange for drop off or collection.

With recent moves to cardboard bread bag tags, we are no longer collecting any tags.

We welcome the support of all members by popping old phones into the collection box in reception, and wine caps are collected at the bar.

Evolution Sails Women on Water Weekend (WOWW)

We are thrilled to announce that Evolution Sails has agreed to become our Gold Sponsor for this event. It is the first time that Evolution Sails has sponsored an event in Auckland, so if you are looking at getting new sails, please consider them: and watch out for updates about their new sail loft coming soon.

We have also secured sponsorships from the following Silver Sponsors: Auckland Yacht and Boating Association, Gulf Harbour Marina, Burnsco, Bay Insurance and Chains, Ropes and Anchors. Others sponsors include Hibiscus Marine Coatings, Predict Wind, Morris & Co Hairdressers, NZ Sailing and Orana Wines.

We are still seeking sponsored products that are suitable as prizes or give-aways.

Event details, including the NOR, are available now on our website under WOWW. Online entries are being accepted and there already appears to be good interest. Success of the event is dependent on the generosity of boat owners making their boats available. There is no charge for male boat owners and one male may be part of up to 6 crew. For boats with seven or more crew, two males may be part of the crew. There will be two divisions spinnaker and no extras and, depending on entry numbers, there may be a third division based on handicap. Boat owners will be consulted about crew that are allocated to their boats, but this cannot happen until after entries close on 23 February 2023. If you are willing to add your boat to the fleet, please complete the boat entry online.

As you will see from Hester's write up about a similar event held at Waikawa, this should be a great fun weekend. I am told that some of the boat owners from Waikawa said that their boats were sailed far more proficiently by the visiting women than they are by their normal crew!

Spread the word and get your boat, skipper or crew entries in now.


In September I and a few other ladies from the Hibiscus Coast and GHYC attended the Evolution Sails Women's Regatta held at Waikawa Bay in the Marlborough Sounds. We all had the most fabulous time and two days of sailing. The Waikawa Boating Club put on a fantastic weekend for 220 female sailors from all over the country, both experienced and beginners. It really didn't matter what level of sailing you had, as the boat club organised us all into crews on boats kindly made available by their owners for the weekend.

On arrival on the Friday afternoon we were all ferried out to Blackwood Bay by various club members' boats where we were treated to an amazing smorgasbord of tastings of local delicacies of cheeses, lamb, mussels, wine and gin.

One of the smallest

On the Saturday and Sunday we were organised into our sailing crews and after a yummy breakfast we met the yacht owners who had kindly volunteered their vessels for our 2 days of sailing. What a pleasurable few days it was and so awesome to sail with the yacht owners as part of the crew. They made us all feel so welcome. It was so much fun. As well as a bit of competitive sailing, there was plenty of laughter on board, a packed lunch between sailing, a bit of wine after the racing, and, back at the clubhouse, a lot of stories told and connections made. These connections with yacht owners and crew were the highlight for me, and we all got such a buzz from hanging out with each other in such a beautiful part of NZ.

The largest

I am already looking forward to the next women's regatta, The Evolution Women on Water Weekend at Gulf Harbour in March, and I know that this one will be amazing and rewarding for everybody that gets involved.

Big thanks go to Waikawa Boating Club and Evolutions Sails for putting on a fantastic regatta and also to Katie Clark (Mad About Travel) who organised our flights and accommodation and everything in between for our group of 15 ladies.

Hester Neary (Patiko crew)


Our October Season Opening Dinner combined with a visit by the solo sailors from Ponsonby CC & Richmond YC was very successful, with great food, lots of laughs and some unexpected prizes from Chains, Ropes & Anchors Thank you Grant Macduff

Coming up before Christmas:

Friday 4 November Music Night with performances by musicians from Whangaparaoa College. Enjoy a scrumptious Roast Beef Buffet then sit back and let the students impress you with their talent as they perform in the Big Band, Jazz Combo and more.

The planned Fun Golf Day was postponed due to very heavy rain and has now been rescheduled for Sunday 13 November. If you would like to participate and have not yet signed up, there are a few spaces still available. Contact Beryl on 0210 237 7816

Tuesday Coffee Mornings continue, hopefully moving outside to sit in warm sunshine with maybe even have a game of petanque too

The next Quiz Night is on Friday 18 November. Book online now and when booking for a group please make sure to let the office have a list of who you are booking for. There will be a Summer break from quizzes with a return date in late Summer not yet confirmed.

Judging of the latest Photo Competition will also take place, with quizzers voting for their favourite picture of 'WAVES', a $ club voucher going to the winner.

Sunday 20 November is a Club Day Out on the Water (weather permitting) returning to the club for a BYO BBQ & Gum Boot Throwing fundraiser. The plan is for motor launch and sail boat owners to take out members who do not have a boat, cruise around and all end up in a bay for a BYO picnic lunch. After relaxing and a swim, take a gentle cruise back to the club for a BYO BBQ and a belated Gumboot Friday event to raise money for kids mental health support.

To support this event as a HOST BOAT, please email with your name, boat name and how many guests you can accommodate. Members keen to be a GUEST please email the office with your name, any mobility issues or any preference to join a motor launch or sailing boat. More information call Diane ( 021 230 5745

There are plenty more events and activities being planned for Summer, and it will be fantastic to be back outside enjoying sundowners and playing petanque.

Pests threaten New Zealand Wildlife

Was it a rat?

After not using their yacht over the winter, one of our club members took part in a winter cruising race and found, what they are sure were, rat droppings in their mainsail. Although the marina has traps set, it is still possible that a rat swam across the marina. If you find a rat or mouse onboard, don't throw it overboard as they can swim up to 1km.

Did you know that rats can squeeze through a 12 mm gap and mice can squeeze through a 7 mm gap?


  • Eat native birds, eggs, chicks, snails, lizards, weta, larvae, and the seeds, fruit and flowers of native plants and trees.
  • Compete with native species for food.
  • Breed VERY quickly
  • Spread diseases such as leptospirosis, which can be transmitted to humans, as well as contaminating water, food and household surfaces.
  • Cause millions of dollars of damage to property each year. They chew through pipes and electrical cables, causing flood and fire.

Forest and Bird Hibiscus Coast provide free rat traps, so if you would like one for your back yard contact Pest Free Hibiscus Coast Project Manager Jenny Hanwell on / 0204 120 5512 or sign up for one using their online form at and one will be delivered to you.

Other Pests that threaten New Zealand's native wildlife.

Mice prey on insects and eat small birds and reptiles.

Argentine ants can reach large numbers and have a big appetite killing our native insects, skinks, geckos and baby birds.

Plague skinks compete with native lizards and other animals for food and habitat and have displaced our native skinks on the mainland.

Soil can carry plant diseases such as kauri dieback.

Weed seeds can become a weed forest and smother native plants.

Check your vessel for pests

Check your vessel for rats, mice, ants and skinks before departing.

Look for signs of rodents such as droppings and gnawing.

Keep fresh bair and/or set traps on your vessel and in the surrounding area if vessel is stored on land

Land people and supplies during the day.

Anchor your boat offshore at night.

Put rat guards on mooring ropes and anchor chains, and never attach mooring lines directly to land.

If you see a pest: Report any pest sightings to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468)

Follow these links for more information about visiting popular islands:

Last updated 12:16 on 21 October 2024

© 2024 Gulf Harbour Yacht Club powered by Sailing Club Manager