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Home / Newsletters / Newsletter September 2022
Home / Newsletters / Newsletter September 2022

Newsletter September 2022


As your new commodore at GHYC, I sit here in sunny Boston, Massachusetts USA, enjoying our additional summer.

Marnie and I are midway through our annual road trip in the States, an event that's been happening for over ten years now, and it's still a fantastic way to spend NZ's winters.

As relative newbies to Gulf Harbour and the yacht club, we have been very welcomed by both club members and the local community and are excited about the future of both this area and the club, we certainly do live in interesting times and a beautiful part of NZ.

A huge thankyou is due to both the outgoing executive and the incoming team, it's noted that there is a strong and consistent crew leading our club. I also want to do a shout out to the 'behind the scenes' people (you know who you are), without them, many of the jobs around the club would go untouched. These are exceptional people performing essential tasks and we really do appreciate all you do.

In addition, I want to commend both John Butcher and Colin Mitten for their outstanding commitment and patience over the last few years, as they grappled with the 'covid' effects on our club. Gentlemen, you have done a sterling job, and we know that the club is in a strong and vibrant position largely due to your leadership and direction.

2022 AGM.

I'm happy to confirm all the Exec positions were filled at our AGM held recently, a big thank you to those members that attended, sorry that was not able to be there in person but with technology these days, it's a very small world.

Congratulations are also due to Dianna B and Diane L who take up flag positions of vice commodore and rear commodore, two very strong and dynamic ladies, I look forward to working with you both to serve our members.

GHYC Committees.

Another word of thanks is due to our committee members, both sailing and social. These are the crew behind the many activities that the club undertakes on very regular occasions, again, without them the club would cease to function. Well done team and congratulations on a well-oiled machine.

The Future.

There is no question that we live in ever changing times, and Gulf Harbour is no exception.

Marnie and I moved to Fairway Bay a little over 18 months ago, we love living here and are excited about the future. There are so many possibilities and as we watch the development locally and hear of the impending Penlink, the need for clear leadership and direction has never been more important.

GHYC is I believe, sitting in the perfect position to take advantage of this coming growth phase, and change is to be embraced and managed carefully, or we risk stagnation.

It's also important to recognise where we have come from and thank those that had the foresight and strength to start our club many years ago but change and growth is to be embraced.

We must also remember that GHYC is our club, and the membership must have a say in directions, the club exists to satisfy its members, so let's listen carefully.

In Summary.

As we travel through the US, it's very obvious that Covid has well and truly left most people's minds, probably due in part to the hot summer here.

My guess is that as NZ moves into our next summer something similar will happen.

Over the last 2 years or so, from my perspective (and many other self-employed), Covid has seemed to make life complex and very serious, no question it's been a serious problem.

Let's look forward to next summer and some summer FUN, it's my belief that our new normal can be fun again, let's just do it!

Looking forward to serving you and the members,

Phil Shaw

Commodore GHYC.

Sailing Committee Corner

Winter Racing

One race to go and a spread of boats in every series have all got an opportunity to finish in the top three - how good is that?

Do not forget last race of the "You Travel Cruising Series" this Saturday 10th September with the Series prize giving afterwards.

Similarly Sunday 18th Sept is the last race of the "Liquid Laundromats/Neptune's Gear" Winter racing series with the Series prize giving afterwards.

Summer Series

After a spring break for R &R and maintenance, our summer sailing season kicks off with the GH Marina Twilight Series Wednesday 19th Oct - and then in quick succession we have the first Burnsco Cruising race over Labour weekend followed by our Taylors' Law Ladies Twilight on Wednesday 26th Oct.

Notices of race are in preparation and will be posted on the website late September.

Wednesday Twilight Races

If you are thinking of taking part in our Twilight Series - our courses always start near the Marina to make it quick to get to the start line after work.

Nothing like a keen twilight race followed by burgers/fish and chips in good company at the clubrooms post race!

Racing Rules Evening Wednesday 12 Oct

Which boat has right of way when rounding marks particularly marks to starboard? This has been an ongoing source of confusion for a number of boats in our fleets.

John and Linda Parrish, our vastly experienced Race Officers will walk us through the Rules on the above - and also look at other key race rules. Questions welcomed.

This is a 'not to be missed' evening for all crews, new and old, to learn and refresh their knowledge before the new season begins. More detail closer to the event. Refreshments available.


Gulf Harbour and the sailing conditions we enjoy are the best in Auckland. Latest from the city is that with various hardstands closing, and leases soon expiring, more city boats are seriously looking to move our way.

Safe sailing.

Sailing Committee

Labour Weekend PIC Coastal Classic

Only 6 weeks to go if you are thinking of joining in the Coastal Classic race to Bay of Islands. Check out all the details on their website and don't miss the Race Clinic Safety & Prep:

Heads up: Labour Weekend is eight weeks away!

Captain crew and ship are you ready for the coming season?

  1. Life jackets serviced or self-checked.
  2. Personal Locator Beacons in date.
  3. Check your first aid kit: are your drugs still within expiry date?
  4. Are your radios still transmitting? Call MARITIME RADIO on ch16 for a check.
  5. Do you have correct flares for CAT 3 & 4 - two red hand held and two orange smoke.
  6. Are your navigation lights working?
  7. Fire extinguishers - when did you last have them tested and tagged?
  8. Gas lines and certificate, fire blanket, and turn off gas sign - one of the most dangerous items on-board so do it right.
  9. When new crew or guests come on board always do a safety briefing and especially show how to start the main engine.

Grahame Brown

Safety Inspector, Yachting New Zealand

Gulf Harbour Yacht Club Hosts Inaugural Women on Water Weekend

Gulf Harbour Yacht Club has been selected by Auckland Yacht and Boating Association (AYBA) to host a weekend of fun on and off the water for women from throughout New Zealand. The event is being run in association with AYBA and will take place over three days from 10th to 12th March 2023. It will be based on a similar event that takes place at Waikawa Boating Club in the Marlborough Sounds in September. This is an exciting opportunity to work with our strategic partners and local community, to showcase our club at Gulf Harbour and ultimately to provide a fantastic weekend for our sailors.

The event is open to both experienced and inexperienced sailors with the aim of having fun and getting more women out on the water. There will be two divisions extras and non-extras, with a trophy for winners of each division, prizes for each race and spot prizes.

It is hoped that women will do the majority of crew work, always with women as helm and skipper. However, for boats with 4 to 6 persons on board (POB), one male will be allowed to participate as crew, increasing to two men for boats with 7 or more POB, if their help is needed.

For the event to be successful we will be looking for members to make their yachts available. Owners can choose to be onboard (this may be an insurance requirement) as one of the crew.

In addition to boats we are seeking sponsors of this exciting inaugural event, to provide either a monetary donation or products that are suitable as giveaways or prizes. If you would like to become a sponsor or know someone else who might, please email and we will be in touch

The weekend schedule of events, Notice of Race and entry forms will be available on our website soon, where we will post news and updates, too.

Snippets from the Rear Commodore

After a sturdy lifetime of work, the wood-burner is currently inoperative and awaiting either repair or replacement. Although we are now into Spring, it is a good idea to make sure you have appropriate attire when attending events at the club over the next couple of weeks.

Springtime sunshine at last and time to give the club and surrounds a good Spring-Clean ready for the busy Summer season. As a club run almost entirely by members, we will soon send out details mentioning the jobs that need completing and inviting volunteers to join us, with socialising over coffee & nibbles included.

Recently there has been a flurry of comments in the press and on local social media regarding vandalism & crime in the area. We are covered by Rodney Neighbourhood Support which is part of the nationwide community led movement that brings people and neighbourhoods together to create safe, resilient, and connected communities. Find out more here:

We are now in Blue September, Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, something that has relevance to around 50% or our membership.

If you visit the Club please consider popping a donation into the blue collection pot on the bar.

Looking to increase your artworks portfolio? This Saturday, from 10am to 3pm, Evelyn Page Retirement Village in association with the Hibiscus Coast Artists Group warmly invite you to their ART SHOWCASE.

Artwork from this talented group of artists as well as Evelyn Page residents will be displayed in the Village Centre and made available for purchase.

30% of all artwork sales will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ.

This will be a Covid-safe event and RSVP is essential. Call Steph or Jo on 421 1815 by Thursday 8 September to secure your place.

Social Scene News

Our August monthly Quiz Night was another winner for the Club, with the next one scheduled for next Friday 16 September. Book online now and when booking for a group please make sure to let the office have a list of who you are booking for.

The Pub Games night last week was extremely successful, with a traditional pub food buffet followed by 'games' including cornhole toss, darts, shove ha'penny, ring toss, table skittles and mouse-hole golf. However the real highlight of the evening was the grand finale Boat Race with plenty of loud support and some heckling too.

In October we have a Quiz, a Club Opening evening for the Summer Season and hopefully the annual Fun Golf Day.

In October we have a Quiz, a Club Opening evening for the Summer Season and hopefully the annual Fun Golf Day.

There are plenty more events and activities being planned for Summer, and it will be fantastic to be back outside looking over the recently clipped hedges (thanks John A, John E and Graeme L) enjoying sundowners and playing petanque. Roll on the longer, warmer evenings

Guest Speaker Evenings

It was great to see around 80 people attend Viki Moore's talk about Island Cruising to the Pacific. There were lots of questions and plenty of enthusiasm from those about to make their first voyage.

Tomorrow 8 September at 7pm is our next Thursday speaker, when Dr Chris Benton will discuss' The hazards of Human Spaceflight to Mars'. Why do we need to go to Mars? Chris will answer this question, talk about NASA and Elon Musk's Space X challenges and highlight current research, hazards and countermeasures. Friends and neighbours welcome, entry by gold coin donation from non-members

On Thursday 22 Sept at 7pm, Matt Paulin will discuss Lithium Batteries for your Boat or Motorhome. He describes the types as good, bad and ugly, highlights safety issues and explains the NZ Regulations & Insurance implications. Again everyone is welcome with a gold coin donation from non-members

Last updated 13:56 on 18 June 2024

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