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Home / Newsletters / Newsletter September 2019

Newsletter September 2019

Commodore's Logbook September 2019

Welcome to September, a busy month that month of August; nice to put August in the stern arcs. Thank you to those Members who attended the 2019 AGM; your contribution through your presence was appreciated, and made for a great AGM.

September Spring has officially started and Daylight Saving will kick in at 0200 Sunday 29 September. Go September

Your new club leadership

I have updated the table to reflect the new Leadership team, and highlighted where we still have a vacancy

Club Leadership Appointed Officers and Leadership Team


2019+ Executive


John Butcher

Vice Commodore

Colin Mitten

Rear Commodore

Diane Lindsay

Immediate Past Commodore

Peter Cooke

Club Captain

Miles Cross

Club Secretary

John Bruce

Club Treasurer

Gillian Waite

Sailing Committee Chairperson

Volunteer requested for Sailing Committee Chair duties

Social Committee Chairperson

Beryl Rowland

Executive Committee Member

Matt Paulin

Commodore's Cup (Hobbs Burell Memorial Trophy)

If you are not aware, the Commodore's Cup was presented to Warren Henderson (Memphis) for his contribution to the Club, through his efforts as the Series Coordinator for the Cruising Series, and the random and dynamic maintenance tasks that Warren has performed over the last 12+ months. Thank you, Warren. Bravo Zulu.

The International Code of Signals for "Manoeuvre Well Executed" is "Bravo Zulu". Or more simply "Well done".

Marine Education Sessions

Our Marine Navigation sessions have continued with the final Navigation session delivered Wed 04 Sep (GPS and Chart Plotters The New Black Art) by Matt Paulin and myself, with 16 'students' in attendance. The Navigation sessions have been well attended, and pending further interest, we'll seriously consider delivering this opportunity next Winter.

But wait, here is another opportunity

Matt Paulin will deliver an educational session on 'Electrics batteries and self-diagnosis, use of multimeters etc'. This session promises to be practical and interactive. Bring your own multimeter.

30TH Anniversary Celebrations

Our 30TH Anniversary celebrations are shaping up to be a top show, and the 30TH Working Group are throwing the ball out there for you. Great stuff.

Barbara Kendall CNZM MBE, is confirmed as our Key Note Speaker, Peter Montgomery MBE, is confirmed as our Master of Ceremonies and the registrations are rolling in for the events over the weekend. Book your tickets our new Sailing Club Manager 'driven' website makes it easy! Even I nailed it

GHYC boats Out and about

A number of our Members have been involved in other sailing activities on the local scene. Mike and Sheryl Lanigan (Share Delight), Matt Paulin (Island Time) and Sarah Morgan and I (Enigma1) participated in the Shorthanded Sailing Association of NZ (SSANZ) Triple Series that concluded last weekend. A pity to miss a GHYC Winter Cruising Series race, however, you can rest assured that we 'sent it' on behalf of GHYC. Here's a few shots of three of our Members' boats finishing


2019 coastal classic

Colin Mitten, our new Vice Commodore (Te Kawana Kirsty and Colin Mitten), has offered to coordinate a Series Entry from GHYC in the 2019 Coastal Classic. Last year we had four boats enter the Coastal Classic and we're looking for another opportunity to lay down a challenge (or challenges) for this year's Coastal Classic.

I'm forecasting that September will keep us occupied on and off the water.

I wish you fair winds and following seas.

Best regards, John Butcher.

Commodore, GHYC

Hibiscus Marine Coatings / Engine Room: Winter Series races 7 & 8

The last two races have been held in strong N/W to West winds often gusting 30+ knots. Not many spinnakers have been hoisted and the conditions have been a testing time for the skippers and crews. Great to have had Sam Kynman-Cole from Topview Photography out on Olympus for race 7 to capture some high calibre images of the action on the water. Sam is scheduled to be onboard Olympus again for Race 9 on Sunday 8 Sept and provided the conditions are suitable will also capture some drone shots of the racing on the day.

Full race reports, and results have been uploaded to under News and on the clubs Facebook page:

On this coming Sunday 8 Sept, GHYC are running race 9 and the club will be open from 3.00pm. Come on down to the club for the BBQ sausages and Bar will be open. Members, families and friends all welcome.

YOU Travel Winter Cruising Series

Race 4 and final race in the YOU Travel winter cruising series got underway on time on Saturday 31 Aug in 13 to 28 knots of Southwest breeze. 7 starters got off to variously timed runs for the 1100 GPS start, with Planet X leading the way around the Yellow Gulf Harbour Mark The wind strength and direction kept crews on their toes with several boats putting in and shaking out reefs at various times around the course. Memphis, Toronui and Fastlane enjoyed some close racing at times with Memphis prevailing in the end.

Line honours went to Planet X

Podium: 1st Shine On 2nd Fastlane 3rd Synergy3

Well done to Keith Smith and the crew of Shine On who took out 1st in the series with consistently good places throughout. Second in the series was Toronui with Synergy 3 taking third

Trish Ryder Director from YOU Travel Manly our series sponsor was on hand to present day and series prizes and had good things to say about the relationship between YOU Travel and Gulf Harbour Yacht club and its members. Our thanks to Trish at YOU Travel for again supporting this series.

PIC Coastal Classic 2019 GHYC Team

Calling all club members who are thinking about participating in this year's Coastal Classic and may be interested in forming a GHYC team. Last year GHYC were 5th in the team entry, only 3 points behind 4th place, and well ahead of Weiti BC by 11 points!

There are some serious players, however it could be that with some strategic entries in divisions where the big boys don't play, we would be able to secure a podium. There are a maximum number of 4 boats in each team with the scores of the best 3 boats scores counting.

All boats enter as individuals and then we need to advise the Coastal Classic organisers of those boat names from Gulf Harbour Yacht Club who are forming the team. This year along with a winners cup there will be a team prizes awarded.

Colin Mitten ( will co-ordinate the GHYC team entry. Colin has entered his yacht Te Kawana again this year.

The first race clinic is on 9th September and will focus partly on getting ready for Cat 3. It's a great chance for those new to the race to come and ask questions.

Many club members have successfully competed in the Coastal Classic in previous years, and it would be great if they would consider entering again, or even sharing their experiences.
People can subscribe to the newsletter for updates on the Coastal site

Hello fellow GHYC members, I have been in the role of Commercial Manager at Gulf Harbour Marina for two months and I must say I am loving it. I enjoyed a pork pie and a few social drinks at the yacht club last Friday night and it was great to catch up and chat with the other members who were there. I am always keen to talk boat and marina so if anyone sees me around the marina or wants to pop into my office please do, my door is always open.

We have the Marina AGM taking place next week at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 11th September at the Silverdale Rugby & Sports Club and that would be another good time to find me for a chat.

Daylight savings starts on the 29th September and Labour day is just around the corner so whether you are a launchie or yachtie I hope our marina team are helping you prepare your boats for the upcoming summer season.

I hope to see you around the marina or on the water.

Tony Sparks

Commercial Manager

GH Marina

Social Scene News

August is a time when many members escape the winter and head somewhere sunny, so a quieter month for social activities. However the Pub Games Evening was declared a great success, with members enthusiastically tossing bean bags, putting golf balls, playing shove ha'penny and competing in a boat race. Six teams with nautical pub names circulated the 8 activities, accumulating points along the way, with Nautical Compasses taking out top prize. A big thank you to all those who 'gave it a go' and also those who popped their winnings in the piggy bank on the bar, raising funds for our Youth Sailing Programme.

Boat race

Topple the Target

Table skittles

Such was the success that a couple of members asked if they could hire the games for private parties and the answer is YES. The Club will take a refundable deposit to cover loss or damage, with members making a donation to the Youth Sailing Programme in lieu of a hire charge.

The Photo Competition - Whangaparaoa Landscape was judged at the Pub Games evening. The professional judge, Leith Watt, selected 'Army Bay 2' by Howard Rowland as the overall winner based on the composition, that it is hard to take into the sun and reflections were caught on the water & the sand. Members' choice winner was Beryl Rowland with 'Army Bay 1'. Congratulations to both winners.

Army Bay 2

Army Bay 1

This quarter's subject is SPRING. Photographs taken between 23 August & 14 November to be judged at the Annual Boat Hop on November 16.

What's on in September

Saturday 14 &/or Sunday 15 September Spring Clean 0900 onwards

We are looking for volunteers to help with the Annual Club Spring Clean:

  • Hedge trimming - with or without a trimmer if you can assist please let Gill know
  • Wood splitting we have the wood & the splitter so all we need is people-power
  • Gardening a good tidy-up is required so let's hope for a sunny weekend
  • Window cleaning at least one electric window vac will be available

Weather permitting we are aiming at Saturday 14 for these jobs, with Sunday as a fall-back option

If you can spare some time to help then please email

Blue September

Throughout September we will promote Prostate Cancer Awareness and provide opportunities to donate to this very worthy cause. The statistics tell us that one in eight men in NZ will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, so look around you at friends, family, crew, could it be them .. or even you?

Wednesday 18 September Marine Education Evening 1900 2030

Batteries: types, selection, how to get a long life from your battery. Use of a multimeter please bring one along if you have one. Matt Paulin will be running the session as he has extensive knowledge in this field.

Youth Sailing Programme fundraising raffle

Shortly we will start selling raffle tickets for some quality prizes to raise funds for our Youth Sponsorship Programmme. So far we have a Wet Weather Jacket (Burnsco), a Handheld VHF, a Handheld Depth Sounder and a Day Sail with NZ Sailing Trust on either Lion NZ or Steinlager II. Tickets are $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets. The draw will be at the 30th Celebrations Grand Dinner on 28 September.

Additional prizes would be welcomed if you or an organisation that you know would like to support this endeavour.

30th Anniversary Celebrations 27, 28, 29 September

A reminder the last date for bookings is 13 September and places are filling up fast. To avoid disappointment, please log in to the website and make your bookings now.

Admin Matters

Membership Cards

Thank you to those members who have paid their subscription fees promptly. GHYC membership cards will be sent to you via Yachting New Zealand. There may be a delay before you receive your card; we hope to speed the delivery up but we are dependent on the YNZ process.

The new yearbook will ready for distribution in the next week or so.

Booking on line for club social events

In order to streamline administration we ask that bookings for club events are done on line. By now everyone should have received a login password for access to the website. If you have not received a password, or if you have mislaid it, please email the office at and another one will be sent to you.

To book for an event

Go to

Log in at the top right

Select book online

Select social

All bookable events will show

Select the event you want to book for

Click on make reservation in the green box at the bottom of the page.

You will need to repeat 'make reservation' for more than one ticket

You will then receive an automatic notification of your bookings

Note: For normal Friday night restaurant bookings, please email preferably with your menu choice to avoid disappointment.

To lodge a race entry

Please see the race entry instructions here

Gill Waite


Welcome to John and Gill Durham

We moved to Army Bay from the Bay of Islands in June this year and transferred our boat, Waiolai (a Salar 40), from Kerikeri Cruising Club marina to Gulf Harbour. We have owned Waiolai since 2001 and initially sailed in Wellington and the Marlborough Sounds before moving to Kerikeri in 2007, after our first trip to Tonga and Fiji. The passage from Opua back to Wellington was harder than sailing to the Islands so Kerikeri seemed a good base for further trips to Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia. We have also sailed to Stewart Island and Fiordland but the Hauraki Gulf and western Bay of Plenty is now our favourite cruising area and we are greatly looking forward to joining the Club cruising programme.

Bar Prices

The club has managed to keep the prices for alcohol at a reasonable level over the years, being mindful that one of the benefits of belonging to the club is cheaper prices. However, regrettably, we have reached a point where we do need to increase the price for beer, with Lion Red and Speights GMA increasing from $4 to $5 and all other beers from $5 to $6. This is still cheaper than many bars in the area.

Gill Waite


Rebus Inc

Rebus will be holding a public meeting at GHYC on September 25th at 10am to discuss establishing a Gulf Harbour branch of Rebus. Click on the link for more information.

Last updated 11:24 on 16 December 2024

© 2025 Gulf Harbour Yacht Club powered by Sailing Club Manager